If I were an alien peering from outer space and used magazine covers to figure 'us' out, I'd conclude that adopting is popular among our species. There have been alot of headlines capturing adoptions by celebrities. Transracial celebrity adoptions in particular have received alot of attention the past few years. From Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt adopting children from Cambodia (Maddox), Africa (Zahara), and Vietnam (Pax), to Madonna adopting a child from Africa (David Banda), and the latest news, Sandra Bullock adopting Louis (isn't he darling?) from New Orleans.
My hope is that all of this attention will underline a recurring theme, which is families don't always look alike, but they are families, so get used to it. Regardless of race or colour, a family is a collection of souls abiding together. To spend any time or give any attention to race, or colour is focussing on the superficial. Unfortunately many people in our culture are superficial, that is a reality. It's not just superficiality, but also a matter of exposure. How many transracial families live in your neighborhood? How often do you see a transracial family when your out and about? These days we're seeing more and more and I think the more the better.
Whether it's a picture on a magazine cover or a family in your neighborhood, it's good to be reminded that families come together in different ways, BUT, more importantly, they're a family. Families are the fundamental building block of our society. The stronger our families, the stronger our nation. Children are our future regardless of race, culture, or celebrity status. Let's help them get a good start.
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