Here's another daily. I was chatting with another mom the other day. We were talking about toddler tantrums, when she asked me if I was pregnant with my second child when my eldest daughter was throwing such intense tantrums. I was stunned. No one had ever asked me that before. I tried to quickly do the math in my head but it wasn't coming quickly. At what age would my eldest daughter have been if I would have been pregnant with my second? Since both of my daughters were adopted, I've never been pregnant. In the heat of the moment, after a pause, I just said it wasn't an issue. Clearly I didn't have any problems with handling my eldest child because of being uncomfortably pregnant. For that I can be thankful, as my daughter had some very intense tantrums before the age of 2. I found it difficult enough to handle the tantrums, let alone being in the midst of an uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. The conversation moved on and away from pregnancy after that. I didn't feel the need to mention we're an adoptive family- I just met the woman!!
There have been times when moms I've just met have asked me about being pregnant or breastfeeding. The questions catch me off-guard and I seem to find a way to be vague and somehow answer the question and then change the subject. People don't seem to probe too much, because you just never know the reason why someone doesn't want to talk about a personal issue. It is after all, a personal issue. I'd imagine as the girls get older, I will tend to meet other parents whose children are older as well and perhaps these pregnancy questions won't come up. It'll likely be something else by then, just to keep me on my toes!!
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