I thought of this the other day and I couldn't help but chuckle, so I thought I'd share. I was thinking back to when we picked up our second daughter from the hospital. The town she was born in was 2 days drive from where we live. So we stayed in a hotel overnight on the way there so our eldest daughter (2.5 yrs at the time) could have a break from sitting in the car (she was so patient!) and get a good night's sleep!
We continued the drive the next day and arrived at our destination- another hotel in the town where our second little one was born. I'm skipping over alot here, but I'm trying to get to the funny part. We picked up our sweet little dear the next day and started driving back, stopping at the same hotel, since we were already familiar with it.
Well, when we went down for breakfast the next day, we received some, shall I say, very confused looks. First of all, staff noticed that within a matter of 2 days we had another child. Second, I, the mom, didn't look pregnant the first time they saw me and certainly didn't look like I had just given birth 2 days prior. People asked how old the baby was, she was 3 days old at that stage and they were shocked once again, because she was a -big- baby and I am not a -big- mom.
When we arrived home, my husband took my eldest daughter to a class, while I stayed home with our new babe. A friend of mine, who knew about our second adoption happened to be at the local community centre and asked my husband how the baby was. The woman she was standing with didn't know we were an adoptive family and she was really shocked and said she saw me just last week and I didn't look pregnant, how could I have given birth- my husband explained that we're an adoptive family so the pieces came together for her.
Comical? I think so! I've talked about how the second adoption was even more emotional for us than the first one was for us, but that doesn't mean there weren't a few funny bits too. Live, Love, Laugh!!!